Our wedding is finally over, but now it's time to carry the practices we followed and the goals we set for our special day into our married life. We aim to buy less, use less, and make less waste, and to lead healthy, happy lives for ourselves and the planet.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

My Green Life

I'm just beginning to challenge myself to live a more low-impact life, so I want to make a list of the things I already do or am trying to do to inspire myself to do even more.

1. I am vegan.  I do not eat anything or buy anything (cosmetics, clothing, etc.) that contains animal products.

2. I never buy bottled water, and I won't consume it if offered to me at a meeting or party.

3. I am bordering on obsessive-compulsive about recycling and composting.  Where I live only plastics #1 and #2 are collected by the city; I take the rest of my plastics to a nearby college where they recycle #1-5 and #7.  I compost co-workers paper plates and napkins after meetings.  I recycle bottles and cans I find on the street.  I do want to challenge myself, though, to start bringing containers to restaurants so I can compost what I can't eat (garnishes, napkins, etc.) and to bring cloth napkins to restaurants.

4. I use handkerchiefs instead of tissues, and I don't use paper towels or paper napkins in my home.

5. I have a towel at work that I keep in my desk for drying my hands.

6. I empty the garbage directly into the trash can outside and reuse the plastic bag until it smells or has liquid in it.

7. I turn off the lights when I leave a room.

8. I don't own a TV.

9. I use the Keeper and cloth pads for my period.

10. I try to make my showers as short as possible (I'm down to five minutes now that I'm trying to go "no poo").  If I have to shave all over, I'll run a small bath.  And I don't turn the lights on in the bathroom while I'm bathing.

11. We don't have a dishwasher, so I try to run the water as little as possible while cleaning dishes.  I use biodegradable dish soap.

12. I use biodegradable laundry detergents and hang my clothes to dry.  I just ordered a WonderWash and hope to consume less energy and water that way (our washing machine is ancient and horribly inefficient).

13. I try to buy only organic produce, and I shop at the farmers' market as often as possible.  I'm considering joining a CSA.

14. I bike to work as often as possible.  Unfortunately, I have to drive while at my job: I work with developmentally disabled adults who need to run lots of errands, but I encourage them to do them on foot or using public transportation whenever they can.

15. I follow the rule "If it's yellow, let it mellow; if it's brown, flush it down."  I'm also trying to use no toilet paper at home and minimal toilet paper in public.  I have used grey water from the shower or bath to flush the toilet in the past, but stopped because it was messy and I live with roommates.  I'll try starting up again.

16. I have a garden with sage, blackberries, chard, lemons, oranges, strawberries, and blueberries.  (However, it is a very pathetic, low-yield garden.)  I want to grow more herbs because it's ridiculous how expensive they are.

17. Some nights I read by candlelight before going to bed.

18. I do not wash my car.

19. I walk for as many errands as possible.  Luckily, we live in a great neighborhood where lots of stuff is nearby.

20. I print on both sides of the paper and encourage others to do so at work by photocopying forms on both sides of the paper.

21. I'm trying to stop buying books and get them from friends or the library instead.

22. I do not buy magazines.

23. I have contacted as many advertising companies as possible to stop my junk mail.

24. I use cloth bags while shopping.

25. I do not have air conditioning or fans in my house.  I try to use the heater as little as possible and never overnight.

26. I don't leave the water running while I brush my teeth.

27. I only wash clothes if they smell or have visible stains.


Here are some goals for myself:

1. Unplug the computers at night.

2. Put a brick in each toilet to conserve water when flushing.

3. Use grey water for flushing, and use dish water on plants.

4. Investigate joining a CSA.

5. Shorten showers.

6. Grow more herbs.

7. Use the computer less.

8. Defrost the refrigerator more often.  (It's very old and ice builds up quickly, lowering efficiency.)

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