Our wedding is finally over, but now it's time to carry the practices we followed and the goals we set for our special day into our married life. We aim to buy less, use less, and make less waste, and to lead healthy, happy lives for ourselves and the planet.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Our Wedding

 We did not have a professional photographer at our wedding, so these are complied from what our guests have sent us.  We didn't have any portraits taken (sadly, there isn't one photo of my mom and I together), but regardless, the photos we do have captured our day very well.  It was amazing.

The night before: We went to see our band (and my second cousins), the Brother Landau, at Disco Volante in Oakland.  This is us dancing to "Re:stacks" by Bon Iver.  We both have a tattoo from this song: "Your love will be safe with me."

Travis felt very yucky the morning of the wedding.  He spent most of our set-up time in the bathroom.

This is supposed to be us.  Travis has a button that says "I love bacon."  One of my buttons says "Best Sitter Ever" (a child I babysit made it for me) and the other has a bike with a smiley face.

My cousin and cadets from the Cal Maritime Academy made this swing with our wedding motto on it.

My crowning achievement: We produced only one bag of landfill waste.  The park rangers were incredulous.  They said a party our size usually produces at least twelve bags of garbage.

Pennants from dictionary pages

Flowers from dress patterns

Origami decorations from book pages, made by our housemate

Pinwheels made by my cousin

I had four different dried rose bouquets, all that Travis has given me over our years together.

Party favors: I made one for each married couple with a photo of them from their wedding.

My cousin also made the great monogram decorations.

Anton, a close friend and big help, and Chris, our Best Man

The best-dressed family, all in Dickensian garb

We folded 160 paper airplanes from dictionary pages.

I embroidered forty (second-hand) handkerchiefs with our wedding motto: "Cherish this life."

Our altar, complete with origami cranes, built by my father and father-in-law

We folded 1,000 cranes for good luck.

Travis' mother and my mother

Travis' father and my father

Anton working on his speech

My sister, Jenna, the official wedding photographer and Maid of Honor

We had planned on my cousin's twin girls being our ring bearers, but they got lost on the way.  My best friend Tim stepped in.

I got ready and waited in the bathroom on the right.

Travis' step-father

Travis checks in with the officiant, a close friend, and my sister.

Travis' mother walked him down the aisle.

Our wedding cost $4,400 total.  One of my friends said she thought my dress alone looked like it cost that much.

Travis was crying when I met him at the altar.

The officiant, who has known me for over ten years, accidentally called us "Trasey" instead of "Travis and Kasey".  She had predicted at the rehearsal that she would.  She'd even told her son to keep track of how many times, but she only did it the once.

Chris signs the marriage license.

Jenna signs the marriage license.

All of our food was vegan.  We prepared some of it ourselves, but a lot of it was brought by our gracious friends and family.

We had peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, cucumber sandwiches, mock tuna and mock egg salad sandwiches, hummus, bean salad, pasta salad, green salad, tortilla chips with salsa and guacamole, and lots of fruits and veggies.

Two friends of ours brought gobs of produce from the El Cerrito Farmers' Market.  They had each of the vendors take a photo with this sign.

I made bubble solution and put it in baby food jars with heart-shaped wands I had made with wire I found in the house.

Chris gave an amazing speech.

Jenna sang a touching song.

My bouquet, handmade with fabric flowers and twigs

My cousin, Robin, and one of her twin daughters

My cousin and her husband

One of the girls I babysit

Our first dance, "I'd Rather Dance with You than Talk with You" by Kings of Convenience

The twins joined in.

"Dance with My Father" by Luther Vandross

 Chris made our cake.  I decorated it.  It was small, so we supplemented with cupcakes for the guests.

 I found this ironing board on the side of the road one day.

 Travis didn't know about the tradition of smashing cake in your new spouse's face.

 We both got very badly sunburned.

The Brothers Landau

 Once almost everyone had left, I sang "A Thousand Years" by Christina Perri.

 Travis throws the garter.

 Anton caught it.

 The throwing of the bouquet

 My sister caught it and thought it was a set-up.

 On our honeymoon in Napa

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